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Todas nuestras excursiones son muy personalizadas de grupos pequeños y corte naturalista, realizadas con tiempo y por guia trilingue y oriundo del sur de Chile, buen conocedor de flora, fauna & geografia y todo eso en Español, Ingles & Aleman


Volcan Osorno Activo I

Para aquellos que quieran explorar esta hermosa zona de forma activa y en pequeños grupos y no solo visitarla  a la rápida y al mismo tiempo recibir buena información y un servicio personalizado.


Volcan Osorno Activo II

-  Corta pero interesante caminata al peculiar "Cráter Rojo" (aprox. 1 hr)  vistas panoramicas al sobrecogedor paisaje volcanico que se impone, hacia cumbre del V Osorno (en condiciones climáticas optimas) y al gran L Llanquihue 
- panoramico recorrido de ida&regreso por ruta costa sur del Lago Llanquihue 

- Opcional ascenso a 3ra estacion telesilla desde  Centro de Esquí en el Volcán Osorno (1200-1700 msnm),

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Volcano Osorno active I

Full Day Trip

- Short suitable hike (about 2 hours) at Todos Los Santos Lake with its great green “esmeralda”-colored water.

-  Visit "Saltos de Petrohue" (River falls of Petrohue) where this great white water river, after thousands of years, created this fabulous, colorful river falls crossing over the old basalt rock. here also possible to extend thevisit of the place, no going only to the main viewpoints to the falls, but also we can walk other nice short trails discovering some new exemplares of trees & natives plants.

-  Drive up to the Ski Center on mystic Volcan Osorno, enjoying nice viewpoints. "Good possibility for a short hike" aprox. 1 hour" to the “peculiar red crater” discovering the typical volcanic landscape.

-  Visit to Laguna Verde (Green Lagoon) at the foot of the Volcano Osorno.

$ 50.000 CLP 3+ people or $ 65.000 CLP pp if only 2pers.

Volcano Osorno Active II

Half Day trip

- Nice car rides to Volcano Osorno along the southshores of great Llanquihue Lake

- visit of Ski Center on Volcano Osorno (1200 msnm),

-  short but interesting hike to the peculiar "Red Crater" (aprox. 1 hr) enjoging the views of the great volcanic landscape

$ 23.000 CLP 3+ people or $ 26.000 CLP pp if inly 2 pers.

Cayutue Lake hike + Beautifull Navegation in Todos Los Santos Lake

Full Day Trip

- Nice car rides to Volcano Osorno along the southshores of great Llanquihue Lake

- Nice hike 5-6 hours from fjiord Ralun to the Emerald Lake passing beautifull Cayutue Lake
- Nice and interesting rainforest interaction 
- enjoging the views of the great volcanoes of the area and authentic landscape
- beatiful motorboat navegation in the cristal clear water of Todos los Santos Lake + good sweming posibilities during summer months

$ 70.000 CLP 3 people or $ 60.000 CLP pp 4+ partisipants ($ 95.000 CLP if only 2 pers.

Cayutue Lake hike

Full Day Trip

- Nice car rides to Volcano Osorno along the southshores of great Llanquihue Lake

- Nice hike 6-7 hours from fjiord Ralun to the Emerald Lake passing beautifull Cayutue Lake
- Nice and interesting rainforst interaction 
- enjoging the views of the great volcanoes of teh area and authentic landscape 

$ 55.000 CLP 3+ people or $ 60.000 CLP pp if inly 2 pers.

Airport Pick-Up + Alerce Trees

Transfer In or Out and Alerce Trees??

-Just a few minutes from the airport of Puerto Montt. Do not miss this opportunity and visit with us Lahuen Ñadi Park.

Excellent opportunity of combination of Transfer in or Out with a visit to one of the few ancient forests of Alerce Trees of this region.

A true bubble in time, the best example, with regard to how the landscape was before the arrival of the first settlers to this area.

A small but interesting and unique forest of larches, with some specimens of over 1000 years old.

Always run with the personalized way of our experimented and informative trilingual guide (English + German + Spanish)


$ 18.000 CLP pp 3 + pers. $ 20.000 CLP pp 2 pers.

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FD 23Feb-129
Montes con nubes
FD 23Feb-129
Montes con nubes
FD 23Feb-129
Rueda de la fortuna
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